A Quick Guide to the Round Brilliant Cut Diamond


Round brilliant cut diamond is a popular member of the diamond family. If you have heard this ad infinitum, here is a little bit of information to back up this claim. Believe it when a salesperson tells you this because about a three-quarter of diamonds sold in the jewelry industry is round-brilliant cut. That’s how popular this cut is. The key reason for the undying popularity of this cut is not its classic shape or its expensive looks, but the fire and brilliance, which to this day is unmatched. 

The Ideal Round Cut Diamond

The Ideal round cut diamond is the highest you can go in round cut. The ideal being the most premium in any cut and the round brilliant ideal is the most iconic cut known to us. It delivers maximum brilliance, scintillation, and fire, all of which give a diamond its timeless beauty and attractiveness. 

But the round cut diamond we see today is not the same as the ones our previous generations knew. Round cut since the Old European time from which it has evolved has changed leaps and bounds over the years. Today’s round brilliant diamonds are optimal in their sparkle and dazzle. Thanks to professional cutters and their knowledge derived through generations of research. The ideal round brilliant cut diamond of today exhibits a fine cut that is unparalleled but also practical. The geometry of the round cut is a marriage of delicateness and elegance. It is marked with the readiness to be used rough. 

What Carat Size to Get?

When you research the round brilliant cut diamond, you will learn that this cut has a zero-size advantage. The reason that it is the priciest cut on the chart is that cutting a diamond to a round brilliant shape involves a lot of wastage. Besides, the geometry leaves no room for visual carat enhancement. Because a round brilliant cut diamond looks just the size it is, buyers often get tempted to buy a bigger stone for a steeper price. It doesn’t have to be that way. You can choose to cluster-fit your jewelry or micro-pave it. That would require you to buy tiny diamonds that cost nothing and sparkle plenty. 

What clarity Grade Works Best for the Round Brilliant Cut?

  The round brilliant cut diamond is naturally sparkling and clean looking, no matter what end of the gallery you choose it. So, you can rest assured that no matter how low your budget is, the only difference you will see is the price. Diamond of lower clarity grade cost a lot less than those in the upper end of the market. And when you have a cut like the round brilliant, the pressure of getting clear stone is low. The choices you will have are Flawless, Internally Flawless, VVSI, VSI, SI, and Imperfect. You can confidently pick from the VSI and SI grades without giving away anything. 



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