How Are Wedding Bands Different from Eternity Bands
Wedding and eternity bands are two of the most often confused items in the domain of jewelry. Since they are interchangeable, one is frequently taken for another. Although both are exchanged in weddings and have the same symbolic connotation, they are not the one and same. In fact, the differences between the two are so obscure to common knowledge that they are lost on most people. To clear the doubts once and for all, here we have rounded off some of the most significant differences between a wedding and an eternity wedding band . Purpose While wedding rings are designed exclusively for exchanging in weddings, eternity bands are not. Although some people choose to exchange eternity bands in their weddings, it is not exactly a wedding ring. Eternity rings work great as gifts on anniversaries though. The idea behind an eternity wedding ring is to express love in its truest form, which is invulnerable to time and tide. The wedding rings encompass the same essence, and because t...