Things To Keep In Mind When Shopping For A Heart Engagement Ring
It is the heart that represents love. You
will find numerous heart-shaped symbols used for depicting love. It is easy to
understand why romantic couples prefer to have a heart engagement ring displayed
firmly on their finger to declare the union and intention to wed soon.
Strangely, investing in a heart-shaped diamond is not too common despite its
significance. There are many reasons for it, however. ‘
One of the primary reasons to give up the
idea of gifting or wearing a heart diamond on the finger is its price. Apart
from being of a fancy cut that needs careful attention to detail and superior
craftsmanship, this shape can be achieved to perfection when the original
gemstone weights at least half a carat. The unusually large size ups the cost,
and the intricate cutting makes it even more pricey.
No worries! You can choose to have your
heart set on a heart-shaped diamond ring for engagement too. However, you would
be well-advised to check it carefully before parting with your hard-earned
Here are some salient points that you should
be aware of before shopping for the coveted heart engagement ring: -
The outline should mimic the traditional
shape of a heart. Do not be convinced to select a diamond that does not
resemble a heart at all. Few jewelers try to pass narrow diamonds with pointed
lobes or flattened wings as a classic heart. You will be pretty amazed to come
across rings resembling an arrowhead rather than a heart. Do you want to go
around explaining to people that you are wearing a heart-shaped engagement
ring? Do not ever fall for such a trick.
The best way to determine whether the stone
is indeed cut into the shape of a heart would be to draw an imaginary line down
its middle. Both the halves should match perfectly. You must make sure to check
the uniformity of size and shape on either side of the dividing line.
A good symmetrical heart diamond should be
of 1:1 - 1:1.2 length-to-width ratio.
It is easy to get misled with asymmetrical
diamonds. They can be of different ratios altogether with misshapen wings and
no distinct central point.
Some of the other aspects that you need to
focus on include the following: -
Clarity- Heart-shaped diamonds have to be of
good clarity. While your first instinct would be to note its shape, you may try
to put it up to the level of your eye and see whether it is clear or not. Signs
of any inclusions will provide you with the fact that such a diamond will not
help your investment. Impurities within the diamond, whether it is heart-shaped
or any other diamond shape reduce its value but even mar its beauty with
durability compromised to a great extent.
Setting- It is best to go for a simple setting when
you fancy a heart engagement ring. Opt for a classic solitaire
setting or create a beautiful effect by choosing a sophisticated halo design
with tiny micro pave accent diamonds tracing the outline of the diamond.
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