Certified Diamonds and Should You Buy Them?


One question that has been burning in the minds of modern shoppers hunting for quality diamonds for some time now is “Whether or not to buy certified diamonds only?” If you are reflecting on this question, one of the many seeking the honest answer to this question. So, for the sake of the shopper community in search of truth, here is an article that attempts to definitively solve the problem of certified and uncertified diamonds.

What’s a Certified Diamond?

The way to know if you want to buy certified diamonds is through an understanding of what the word “certified” means in the diamond industry. But instead of going through an entire book full of information, here are some highlights that will help understand diamond certification. The word certification in the English dictionary means formal confirmation of something as true or accurate. The other meaning is to guarantee that something qualitatively meets a standard. Now speaking specifically of diamonds, being certified means that a diamond is verified to be completely natural, or 100% enhanced. Certification also means verification of the 4Cs of a diamond along with other aspects.

What Constitutes a Diamond Certificate?

A diamond certificate comprises information on specific categories that speak of the quality of the diamond. For instance, it carries information about its shape, carat weight, color, clarity, finish, and cut grade. All of these things can highly influence your decision when buying any particular diamond. Some categories are essential in diamond certificates and those mentioned above are among them. So when you buy a certified diamond it means that you are also buying a certificate of quality that verifies that the diamond is all that the seller claims it to be. Thus, the certificate eliminates all room for doubts and speculations.

Difference between Diamond Certificate and Diamond Appraisal

Oftentimes, buyers get mixed up between diamond certificates and appraisals. To clear the most common myth, those two are the same. However, lets delve a bit deeper. A certificate is different from an appraisal, and a buyer must understand that before acquiring a diamond. A certificate is a piece of paper. It articulates the grades of a diamond. An appraisal, on the other hand, ascertains the present market value of a particular diamond. A certificate is what appraisers base their estimation of value on. It is a significant supporting document in diamond reselling and replacement. It helps an owner get the right value for the item. A certificate, on the other hand, works as insurance for the buyer.

So, to conclude, certified diamonds are the most authentic diamonds available in the market. Therefore, if you are going to buy a diamond with out-of-pocket money, you want to spend it on something that comes with a certification of quality, preferably one that is provided by the likes of GIA and AGS. These are diamond grading boards that are globally acknowledged and certify the best quality diamonds out there. These boards are also responsible for actively fighting the circulation of dirty diamonds in the market.



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