A Quick Guide to the Round Brilliant Cut Diamond
Round brilliant cut diamond is a popular member of the diamond family. If you have heard this ad infinitum, here is a little bit of information to back up this claim. Believe it when a salesperson tells you this because about a three-quarter of diamonds sold in the jewelry industry is round-brilliant cut. That’s how popular this cut is. The key reason for the undying popularity of this cut is not its classic shape or its expensive looks, but the fire and brilliance, which to this day is unmatched. The Ideal Round Cut Diamond The Ideal round cut diamond is the highest you can go in round cut. The ideal being the most premium in any cut and the round brilliant ideal is the most iconic cut known to us. It delivers maximum brilliance, scintillation, and fire, all of which give a diamond its timeless beauty and attractiveness. But the round cut diamond we see today is not the same as the ones our previous generations knew. Round cut since the Old European time ...