What Do You Know About the Eternity Wedding Band?


Wedding bands are a fixture. No one rich or poor can dream of a church wedding without placing one on their spouse-to-be. The addition of diamonds and expensive gemstones came much later, but while it is the diamond that has now been designated the pride of place in wedding rings and engagement rings, you can do it with other stones as well. However, the eternity wedding band is popular often replacing the conventional wedding band/ring at the moment. Well, it is the emotion behind the gesture that works. 

An eternity band or ring signifies an everlasting union that will last forever. The truth may be different, but the sentiment appeals to the diehard romantic and the practical individuals alike. 

Also known as the infinity band or a full diamond band, the typical design of such a band is the presence of tiny diamonds that encircle the entire finger like a beam of light. While the eternity band may be gifted for an anniversary, the diamond band usually replaces the plain gold band exchanged at a traditional wedding ceremony. 

There is no hard and fast rule about wearing an eternity wedding band either. Wear it as you would do; either with a conventional wedding band or stack it with the engagement ring. It looks brilliant either way. 

However, it is a great idea to contemplate such a wedding band carefully and have your doubts cleared before you walk down the aisle. 

The first question that strikes your mind is its price. You may wonder

How much will I have to pay for an eternity wedding band?

Well, you may not get an exact rate from your favorite jeweler. Be sure to have a figure in mind tentatively. You may have to go up or down, depending on the design that excites you. An eternity band may be half the cost of your engagement ring but again, the number of diamonds and the design will ensure the value of the band and its price. You may have to match the cost of your engagement ring if you prefer a one-of-a-kind eternity band though. 

A full eternity band or a half eternity band: Which is the best?

Well, a full circle of diamonds justifies the name, as you want your love to be everlasting. However, it may be a better option to settle for a half-eternity band. Apart from saving on price by opting for fewer diamonds, you would be able to adjust the size a few years later when your finger becomes stubbier. It will work for you when you want to pass it to your daughter or granddaughter who may have slimmer fingers. 

Resizing a full eternity band is impossible without removing the diamonds and adding them on. It will be enormously expensive too. However, it is your personal choice in the end. 

Opt for an eternity wedding band that excites you, and have a happy time wearing a band of brilliant diamonds that sparkle enticingly.


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