Interesting Facts About A Cushion Cut Diamond

Accepting his proposal of marriage has put you on cloud nine. But have you spared a thought for the engagement ring? While you may get away from this responsibility by asking him to pick and choose, you may want a say after all. Sure, it is flabbergasting to go shopping for an engagement ring and be asked to look at dozens of diamonds of every conceivable color, cut, and size. If rounds aren't your thing then lose no time in going for the cushion cut diamond instantly. Well, this particular shape comes highly recommended for its long and illustrious history as well as the unique shape that resembles a pillow or cushion hence its name. The diamonds from the mines of Brazil were cut into the cushion shape during the 19 th century. It was known as the mine cut then. This was converted into the old mine cut once diamonds began to be sourced from South Africa too. What do people say? Brides are not averse to wearing the cushion cut diamond on their ring fingers. ...